This report presents a bizarre and unusual case of looping and entrapment of a hydrophilic guidewire in the ureter of a 65-year-old woman with a stone in the lower ureter at the time of ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy. We describe endourology maneuvers to remove the retained guidewire. Looping and entrapment of guidewire is a rare complication that urologists may face when they do not follow the basic principles of guidewire insertion. In that case, successful resolution is based both on surgeon's inspiration to apply the appropriate endourology maneuvers and availability of a variety of endourology tools in the theater. Both may lead urologists to avoid more invasive and morbid approaches for their patients.
Journal of endourology case reports. 2017 Jun 01*** epublish ***
Ioannis Efthimiou, Zacharias Chousianitis, Kostadinos Skrepetis
Department of Urology, General Hospital of Messinia, Kalamata, Greece.