OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of extracorporeal lithotripsy using lithotripter Sortz MODULITH SLK® without analgesics.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was sent to 854 patients post-shock wave lithotripsy for urinary lithiasis. No patient had pain medication. The questionnaire included seven questions to assess the pain symptoms due to treatment. After 15 days, a reminder letter was sent.
RESULTS: The response rate was 69% (591/854). The extracorporeal lithotripsy without analgesic treatment was generally well tolerated. About 70% of patients felt just a few or no pain and average pain assessment was 3.6/10 on VAS. The pain was often considered to be multifactorial, related to the treatment itself, the duration of the session and the position on the table. Anxiety seemed to play an equally important role in pain relief with an average VAS 4.5 against 2.9 for non-anxious patients. If a new session of extracorporeal lithotripsy was necessary, 53% of patients would require no pain medication.
CONCLUSIONS: The extracorporeal lithotripsy could easily be done without systematic analgesics allowing for outpatient care. In contrast, anxiety seemed to be an important predictor of poor tolerance of sessions so the idea of a prophylactic anxiolytic treatment based on psychological profile of the patient should allow less aggressive and less costly management of urolithiasis.
Written by:
Schoenig A, Vedrine N, Costilles T, Boiteux JP, Guy L. Are you the author?
Service d'urologie, hôpital Gabriel-Montpied, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 58, rue Montalemberg, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Reference: Prog Urol. 2014 Oct;24(12):777-82.
doi: 10.1016/j.purol.2014.06.006
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25193790
Article in French.