Infectious urolithiasis is a type of urolithiasis, that is caused by infections of the urinary tract by bacteria producing urease such as Proteus mirabilis. Lactobacillus spp. have an antagonistic effect against many pathogens by secreting molecules, including organic acids. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of Lactobacillus strains isolated from human urine on crystallization of urine components caused by P. mirabilis by measuring bacterial viability (CFU/mL), pH, ammonia release, concentration of crystallized salts and by observing crystals by phase contrast microscopy. Moreover, the effect of lactic acid on the activity of urease was examined by the kinetic method and in silico study. In the presence of selected Lactobacillus strains, the crystallization process was inhibited. The results indicate that one of the mechanisms of this action was the antibacterial effect of Lactobacillus, especially in the presence of L. gasseri, where ten times less P. mirabilis bacteria was observed, compared to the control. It was also demonstrated that lactic acid inhibited urease activity by a competitive mechanism and had a higher binding affinity to the enzyme than urea. These results demonstrate that Lactobacillus and lactic acid have a great impact on the urinary stones development, which in the future may help to support the treatment of this health problem.
Scientific reports. 2024 Jan 10*** epublish ***
Dominika Szczerbiec, Katarzyna Bednarska-Szczepaniak, Agnieszka Torzewska
Department of Biology of Bacteria, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237, Lodz, Poland., Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Institute of Medical Biology PAS, Lodowa 106, 92-232, Lodz, Poland., Department of Biology of Bacteria, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237, Lodz, Poland. .