Paediatric stone management: innovations and standards.

The aim of this study was to discuss current trends and recent developments in the surgical management of paediatric urolithiasis.

Medical expulsive therapy (MET) is considered as an option for the treatment of children with ureter stones. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) remains as a first option for majority of kidney stones and upper ureter stones. Advances in endourology have led to increased adoption of retrograde intrarenal surgeries (RIRS) and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL/mini-PCNL/ultra-mini-PCNL/micro-PCNL).

Management of paediatric stone disease has developed significantly in the past decade. However, the evidence in the literature remains disproportional to these advances. Well designed multicentric studies are still needed to compare effectiveness and safety of these procedures.

Current opinion in urology. 2022 Jun 09 [Epub ahead of print]

Fahad Quhal, Abdulmohsin Al Faddagh, M Selcuk Silay, Michael Straub, Christian Seitz

Department of Urology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria., Department of Urology, King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia., Department of Urology, Istanbul Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey., Department of Urology, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany.