How small is small enough? Role of robotics in paediatric urology - Abstract

The well-known advantages of robotic surgery include improved dexterity, three-dimensional operating view and an improved degree of freedom. Robotic surgery is performed for a wide range of surgeries in urology, which include radical prostatectomy, radical cystectomy, and ureteric reimplantation. Robotic paediatric urology is evolving. The major hindrance in the development of paediatric robotics is, first, the differences in practice patterns in paediatric urology compared with adult urology thereby making development of expertise difficult and secondly it is challenging to conduct proper studies in the paediatric population because of the paucity of cases. The difficulties in conducting these studies include difficulty in designing a proper randomised study, difficulties with blinding, and finally, the ethical issues involved, finally the instruments although in the phase of evolution require a lot of improvement. In this article, we review the relevant articles for paediatric robotic surgery. We emphasise on the technical aspects and results in contemporary paediatric robotic case series.

Written by:
Ganpule AP, Sripathi V.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Muljbhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat, India; Department of Pediatric Surgery/Urology, Apollo Children's Hospital, Thousand Lights, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Reference: J Minim Access Surg. 2015 Jan-Mar;11(1):45-9.
doi: 10.4103/0972-9941.147689

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25598599

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