AUA 2008 - Pediatrics: Surgery, Reconstruction, Diversion, Endourology, Transplantation (Pod #22)

ORLANDO, FL ( - Selected Abstracts Moderated Podium Session 22: May 19, 2008 1:00 PM

Abstract 1030: This was a large population based study that confirmed associations of pre-existing maternal diabetes mellitus with congenital urinary tract abnormalities. In addition, they saw new associations of GU anomalies with maternal race (Caucasian), renal disease, and diabetes with hypertension.

Abstract 1032: The group found that there is a histologic difference in the UPJs of intrinsic and extrinsic types. There is more muscle in the intrinsic types, but it was not correlated to age differences. Also, how can you tell the histologic difference grossly? Some thought this approach was risky and dismembered pyeloplasty should be done instead of relying on a Hellstrom procedure.

Abstract 1033: bypass pyeloplasty was utilized successfully in this study. The ureter was anastomosed to the renal pelvis in a side to side fashion. Interesting approach that makes sense. It has been done laparoscopically, and is especially useful in horseshoe kidneys.

Abstract 1036: A critique of laparoscopic versus open pyeloplasty was done via a meta analysis basing success on normal radionuclide scanning alone. The problem with this approach is that many patients (over half) present with other studies diagnosing obstruction such as MRU, CT, and IVP. We can’t compare apples to oranges and we must not over expose our patients to unnecessary radiation if an ultrasound shows no caliectasis. One cannot have obstruction without caliectasis.

Abstract 1037: A comparison between laparoscopic and robotic pyeloplasty was done with 58 lap patients and 84 robotic. Bottom line was both are equal but it is not a good operation either way in infants less than 6 months of age.

Abstract 1039: Showed that antibiotic prophylaxis is not necessary in patients with isolated upper tract obstruction undergoing surveillance no matter what the age.

Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) - May 17 - 22, 2008. Orange County Convention Center - Orlando, Florida, USA. Full Conference Reports