We performed a prospective multicenter study where first the EAU-YAU Endourology Group developed a 36-question form. After that, the survey was delivered to both EAU-YAU endourology Group and EULIS (European Society of Urology urolithiasis group) which represent urologists of high-volume academic centers (Table 1).

Those members who filled out the survey, which were 10 from eight different countries, were followed up for 4 years. The number and surgical approach of surgeries were recorded. In addition, the cumulative radiation exposure detected by a dosimetry control was registered yearly (Table 2).

The two endourologists who use ALARA in their daily practice achieved the lowest dose/procedure in the chest. Regarding eye lenses, using lead glasses was statistically significant to reduce cumulative dose radiation. Finally, we searched for previous surveys similar to ours and evaluated the daily practice use of radiation shields in endourology worldwide (Table 3).

Written by: Sofia Fontanet Soler, Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert (IUNA), Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
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