EAU 2018: Single-use Versus Reusable Digital Flexible Ureterorenoscopes. Is The Irrigant Flow Comparable?

Copenhagen, Denmark (UroToday.com) Single-use digital flexible ureterorenoscopes offer a cost-effective alternative to reusable scopes, often with little detriment to the procedure and surgeons themselves. However, it is important to note that proper irrigant flow during the procedure is critical for high visibility and possible trade-offs should be considered before opting for a single-use digital flexible ureterorenoscopes.

Dr. De Coninck (MD) of the Tenon Hospital Department of Urology in Paris, France presents a prospective analysis of four types of single-use ureterorenoscopes in comparison to four reusable ureterorenoscopes, with the aim of comparing irrigant flow and the resultant visibility. More specifically, the four single-use scopes were products from LithoVue, Pusen, NeoFlex, and YouCare and the four reusable scopes were products from Olympus, Karl Storz, Wolf Boa vision, and Wolf Cobra vision.

Of these tools, the YouCare ureterorenoscopes had the highest irrigant flow (likely due to the 4.2Fr working channel). Additionally, it was noted that the Wolf Cobra vision scope’s flow was significantly impacted when working tools were inserted into the 3.6Fr channel, but remained stable if they were inserted through the 2.4Fr channels. While all the single-use ureterorenoscopes had better irrigant flow compared to reusable scopes when working tools were inserted, it is noted that the number of samples assessed was not adequate to allow for rigorous statistical analysis.

In discussion, Dr. De Coninck mentions that the study is limited due to its in vitro nature. Further patient characteristics or surgical setting may also have significant impact on some of the scopes and, in this case, multivariable analysis in further exploration via clinical trials are highly recommended.

Presenter: De Coninck

Authors: Dragoş L.B. 1 , De Coninck V.M.J. 2 , Rodriguez-Monsalve Herrero M. 2 , Keller E.X. 2 , Somani B.K. 3 , Bres-Niewada E. 4 , Martis S.M. 5 , Sener T.E. 6 , Buttice S. 7 , Iacoboaie C. 2 , Minciu R.T. 1 , Botoca M.R. 1 , Proietti S. 8 , Doizi S. 2 , Traxer O.

Written by: Linda M. Huynh, B.S, University of California-Irvine, at the 2018 European Association of Urology Meeting EAU18, 16-20 March, 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark