Genotypification and Polimorphirms of Single Nucleotide (SNP) Associated to Prostate Cancer Risk
Genetics is another factor involved in prostate cancer, and according to this, individualized treatment is a worldwide tendency. There is a polymorphism, which is very common amongst Mexican men, RS10459592, and it has been found to cause a change in estrogenic hormones. This polymorphism makes an indivifual 2.3 times suceptible to prostate cancer. By knowing this, diagnosing the polymorphism can be a useful preventive tool, and will encourage earlier and more regular monitoring of prostate cancer.
How to evaluate for HPV and the afore mentioned polymorphism in a not so invasive manner? A special test called Kimera was developed in Mexico, it detects 15 subtypes of HPV and susceptibility for prostate cancer in 100cc of urine. Results are given in an allelic discrimination graph.
She then explained how one person can have up to 7 different types of HPV at the same time, this can give us an idea on how healthy the immune system is. Finally, she emphasized the importance of the HPV subtype, since some are more oncogenic, for example 16, which is 9 times more oncogenic than 18. All of these strategies will help us decide which individuals are at highest risk for developing prostate cancer, and manage them appropriately.
Presented by: Lucero Delgado Pastelín
Written by: Paulina Bueno Garcia Reyes, MD, medical writer for and Ashish Kamat, MD, Professor of Urology and Director of Urologic Oncology Fellowship at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, at the Mexican Urologic Oncology Association Meeting - July 26 - 28, 2018