- Federico Belladelli, MD, from Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, characterized the trend of penile length over time. “Worldwide temporal trends in penile length: a systematic review and meta-analysis.”
- Nicolas Seranio, MD, from Stanford Health Care, investigated the quality and reliability of YouTube videos on the topic of penile augmentation. “Size Matters: Characterizing penile augmentation content from 100 YouTube videos.”
- Albert Ha, MD, from Columbia University, demonstrated that tadalafil, with its high affinity to PDE5 receptors compared with sildenafil, may provide greater clinical benefits in reducing major adverse cardiac events. “Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor Use and Progression to Heart Failure in Men with Coronary Artery Disease and Erectile Dysfunction.”
- Antonio Luigi Pastore, MD, from Sapienza University of Rome, studied the long-term follow-up outcomes of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation in males suffering from lifelong premature ejaculation (LPE). “Long term follow-up outcomes of pelvic floor rehabilitation in subjects suffering from lifelong premature ejaculation: retrospective multicentre study.”
“A number of exciting new studies in the area of Sexual Health are being presented at AUA2023. Highlights include a study showing commonly prescribed erectile dysfunction treatments reduce life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, and another study utilizing physical therapy to treat premature ejaculation,” said Dr. Bajic. “Online educational content for penile enhancement and ejaculation are shown to promote non-evidence-based techniques and concepts, raising alarms on the dissemination of medical misinformation.”Source: American Urological Association. (2023). Urologists Explore Online Educational Content, Erectile Dysfunction Drug Choices and Physical Therapy to Treat Premature Ejaculation [Press release]. https://auanet.mediaroom.com/2023-04-28-Urologists-Explore-Online-Educational-Content,-Erectile-Dysfunction-Drug-Choices-and-Physical-Therapy-to-Treat-Premature-Ejaculation.