AUA 2016: Validation of 3-D Volumetric Based Renal Function Prediction Calculator for Nephron Sparing Surgery - Session Highlights

San Diego, CA USA ( Predictive tools may be implemented to determine the benefits of nephron-sparing surgery to preserve renal function, as compared to radical nephrectomy. One such method is by using an online glomerular filtration rate (GFR) prediction calculator.  Through this retrospective review, Dr. Corradi and colleagues looked at 136 patients from three institutions, to evaluate the efficacy of looking at preoperative factors to predict future renal function to aid in the decision-making process for nephron sparing surgery.

3D calculation of renal mass and parenchyma were collected to validate a GFR predicting calculator, which can be found at Using the tool, they retrospectively compared predicted GFR (75.4) with actual GFR at 6 months follow up (70.7) and found that the difference of 4.7 (p<.001) proved the tool to be of high correlation. Furthermore, after looking at predictive GFRs, they determined that if there was a significant difference, then it would be indicative of nephron sparing surgery, as opposed to no difference, leading to radical nephrectomy.

The authors concluded from their findings that the predictive GFR online calculator provided a good prediction of GFR, which could allow Urologists to utilize this tool to discuss renal function with their patients.


Presented By: Renato Corradi , MD


Written By: Victor Huynh, CCRP Department of Urology, University of California, Irvine at the 2016 AUA Annual Meeting - May 6 - 10, 2016 – San Diego, California, USA