#AUA15 - Utilizing more restrictive criteria for obtaining urodynamics in women with multiple sclerosis does not result in more worrisome findings - Session Highlights

NEW ORLEANS, LA USA (UroToday.com) - The investors began by questioning if urodynamic studies are necessary in all multiple sclerosis patients, as there are no specific guidelines for the use of urodynamics in this population.

auaDr. Aggarwal and colleagues looked retrospectively at their multiple sclerosis patients who had undergone urodynamics for more severe lower urinary tract symptoms at their institution and compared these to patients who had undergone urodynamics based on less selective, less severe symptom criteria.

Their analysis did not find any differences in the urodynamic parameters in the two groups. They also looked at the correlation between their more selective criteria (UDI 6 questionnaire score ≥ 7 and PVR ≥ 100ml) with detrusor sphincter dyssynergia and with low bladder compliance. They found that by using the more restrictive criteria, they could avoid performing urodyamics in 16% of this population, although these criteria would have missed one patient with low bladder compliance.

Previous studies have not found that specific questions on validated questionnaires, including the UDI-6, predict sinister findings on urodynamics, and a reliable symptom score that captures all patients at high risk for low bladder compliance would be a welcome addition to the evaluation of these patients.

Presented by Himansh Aggarwal at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting - May 15 - 19, 2015 - New Orleans, LA USA

UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX USA

Reported by Lindsey Cox (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI USA), medical writer for UroToday.com