People with a long-term urinary catheter living in the community often experience catheter-related issues, however, the frequency and extent of these issues has not been well described in the literature.
A survey on issues clients (n = 62) experience with their long-term urinary catheter was conducted in one community health service. The majority (79%) had experienced at least one issue in the last two years, 62% had urinary tract infections, 33% had an emergency department visit and 29% had leakage. Discomfort at catheter change was at least moderate in 32% and predictive of more interference from the catheter in clients' daily lives and 55% reported at least moderate interference from the catheter in their daily lives. In conclusion, most clients with long-term urinary catheters experience issues and interventions need to be assessed for effectiveness in decreasing these problems.
Written by:
O'Donohue D, Winsor G, Gallagher R, Maughan J, Dooley K, Walsh J. Are you the author?
Southcare (Aged and Extended Care), Sutherland Hospital.
Br J Community Nurs. 2010 Feb;15(2):65-70
PubMed Abstract