Perioperative Systemic Inflammatory Response following Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Cystectomy vs. Open Mini-Laparotomy Cystectomy: A Prospective Study

Surgeries, such as radical cystectomy (RC), induce a systemic inflammatory response (SIR). SIR plays an important role in controlling the human immune system. This study aims at comparing the SIR in robot-assisted laparoscopic cystectomy (RALC) to open mini-laparotomy cystectomy (OMC) with a urinary diversion (UD). Comparison was based on immunologic markers of SIR, thus quantifying the degree of tissue trauma.

Forty-two male patients underwent RC with an ileal conduit. Either OMC RC (OMC; n = 20), RALC with extracorporeal UD (RALC-EUD; n = 13), or RALC with intracorporeal UD (RALC-IUD; n = 9) was performed. Blood samples were obtained preoperatively (PREOP), immediately after surgery (POD0), 24 (POD1) and 48 h (POD2) postoperatively. Clinical parameters were collected from medical records.

Estimated blood loss and blood transfusion volume was higher in OMC (p's < 0.001). The operative time was longer in RALC groups (p < 0.001). On POD0, interleukin (IL)-6 showed significant lower level in RALC-IUD compared to OMC (p = 0.016). IL-10 level was higher at POD0 (p = 0.029) and POD1 (p = 0.038) in OMC vs. RALC-EUD. MCP-1 levels for RALC-IUD were significantly lower compared to RALC-EUD (p = 0.027).

This study found that postoperative SIR was overall less pronounced in RALC, thus depicting reduced tissue trauma. No major clinical differences between RALC-IUD and -EUD were found.

Urologia internationalis. 2017 Jul 01 [Epub ahead of print]

Pernille Skjold Kingo, Johan Palmfeldt, Rikke Nørregaard, Michael Borre, Jørgen Bjerggaard Jensen

Department of Urology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.