
Objective Assessment and Standard Setting for Basic Flexible Ureterorenoscopy Skills Among Urology Trainees Using Simulation-Based Methods - Beyond the Abstract

The curricular reform occurring in the world of medical education centers around the concept of competence and pushes educators to ensure that residency produces graduates who meet a minimum standard of technical and non-technical ability. When relating these concepts to procedural skills, there are a number of ways in which this standard can be defined. One way that continues to grow in popularity amongst program directors and academics is the idea of ‘entrustability’, that is, the concept that newly qualified physicians and surgeons should be viewed as trustworthy in their execution of necessary clinical and surgical skills. In this study, we used a traditional standard setting method to determine entrustability standards for a core procedural skill amongst urologists, flexible ureteroscopy (fURS). We approached graduating urology residents and asked them to complete a series of straightforward, simulation-based ureteroscopic tasks, and scored their endoscopic skills using both a global rating scale (GRS) and a simple categorization based on how ‘entrustable’ they are based on said performance (entrustable, borderline, not entrustable). Ratings were completed by both expert surgeons and crowd-workers, using the CSATS© platform.

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Objective Assessment and Standard Setting for Basic Flexible Ureterorenoscopy Skills among Urology Trainees using Simulation-based Methods.

To objectively assess the performance of graduating urology residents performing flexible ureterorenoscopy (fURS) using a simulation-based model and to set an entrustibility standard or benchmark for use across the educational spectrum.

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