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- David Wise discusses his work studying the role of DKK1 as a driver of some forms of CRPC with Charles Ryan. He describes that the role of immune checkpoint inhibitors in prostate cancer has been largely disappointing. Dr. Wise shares his previous findings that DKK1 is upregulated in a subset of metastatic CRPC with low or no expression of AR and that do not have features of neuroendocrine or smal...
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- Susan Halabi provides an update on an externally validated prognostic model of overall survival (OS) in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) treated with docetaxel, which included eight important prognostic factors variables of overall survival: opioid analgesic use, ECOG performance status, albumin, disease site, LDH, hemoglobin, PSA, and alkaline phosphatase. They use...
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- Oliver Sartor joins Charles Ryan in a discussion on a Phase 4 registry trial in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). The IMPACT study analyses suggested that overall survival (OS) was longer in treated and control patients with low baseline PSA, and OS benefit was greatest for sipuleucel-T versus control in the patients with the lowest PSA (Schellhammer Urol 2013). Eli...
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- Monty Pal joins Petros Grivas to share highlights from his ASCO 2019 presentation on IMmotion150, a phase two clinical trial in kidney cancer looking at patient-reported outcomes, that compared monotherapy with atezolizumab, to sunitinib, to the combination of bevacizumab with atezolizumab, a unique opportunity to look at monotherapy in this setting. Biographies: Sumanta Kumar Pal, MD , Associate...
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- Carmel Pezaro discusses her recent move from Australia to Sheffield, England with Alicia Morgans in which they discuss the similarities in the needs of men with prostate cancer in the two countries where men need treatments, support from their families, and their providers. There are differences where in Australia they embrace new technologies such as PSMA PET which is not available in the UK. The...
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- Sipuleucel-T (Provenge ® ) has been FDA approved since 2010 in men with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). The IMPACT (Immunotherapy for Prostate AdenoCarcinoma Treatment), was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 512 men with metastatic, hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Initially, the targeted patients were those wi...
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- Tanya Dorff and Alicia Morgans discuss the ENZAMET (Enzalutamide in First Line Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Metastatic Prostate Cancer) trial design and key take-home messages based upon the ASCO 2019 plenary presentation by Christopher Sweeney. The investigators hypothesized that adding enzalutamide to first-line therapy would delay the emergence of castration resistance and thereby improve o...
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- Chris Sweeney and Alicia Morgans discuss how the academic collaboration for ENZAMET (Addition of Enzalutamide to Standard of Care in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer) became a reality and initiated in November 2014. The ENZAMET study was led by the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group. ENZAMET (ANZUP 1304) is a global collaborative investigator...
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- Chris Sweeney and Alicia Morgans discuss the interim analysis of the international academic investigator-sponsored, randomized phase III ENZAMET trial found that 80% of men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer who received the nonsteroidal antiandrogen agent enzalutamide along with standard-of-care treatment were alive after 3 years, compared with 72% of men who received other nonster...
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- Alicia Morgans invites Claire Pernar to highlight her efforts on the topic of cognitive function in men with prostate cancer. Cognitive impairment is a key component of wellbeing in men with prostate cancer, and it can affect men's thinking, their language, and their memory. This is an area many seek to understand and to identify any unmet needs. Claire's work is being facilitated in the context o...