Mixed nutcracker syndrome with left renal vein duplication: A severe and exceptional presentation in an 18-year-old boy - Abstract

The nutcracker syndrome (NCS) is rare and often misdiagnosed because it embraces an extended non-pathognomonic spectrum of symptoms that imply a difficult diagnosis.

Ultimately it may be associated with substantial morbidity and even life-threatening events. Mixed NCS with renal vein duplication is an exceptional variety, have previously been reported to the best of our knowledge. We report a rare case of an 18-year-old boy who presented with a long history of abdominal, pelvic and left flank pain, fatigue and higher bilateral varicocele. Computed tomographic angiography, Doppler ultrasonography and venography were performed revealed left renal vein duplication with dilated retroaortic and preaortic branchs, entrapped respectively between the aorta and the vertebral column and in the aortico-mesenteric space, with extensive and complex varices of the deep pelvic venous plexus; promoting the mixed renal NCS. Auto transplantation of the left kidney was suggested, but refused by the patient; and only the varicocele was managed. The patient is still suffering from his severe initial symptoms. Diagnosis is difficult and should be considered in patients with inexplicable flank or abdominal pain. Our purpose is to raise clinician's awareness for this condition so that they will be more likely to diagnose it. This will facilitate prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Written by:
Mallat F, Hmida W, Othmen MB, Mosbah F.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Hospital of Sahloul, Sousse, Tunisia.

Reference: Urol Ann. 2015 Apr-Jun;7(2):244-7.
doi: 10.4103/0974-7796.150494

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25836700

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