Joint Commission approves CAUTI 2012 National Patient Safety Goal

EDGEWOOD, NM USA (Press Release) - May 27, 2011 - On May 17, 2011, the Joint Commission announced it had approved a new National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) for 2012 for catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI).

The NPSG is applicable to hospital and critical access hospital accreditation programs. It has not issued other NPSGs for the other accreditation programs.

CAUTI is known as the most frequently occurring type of healthcare-associated infection (HAI). It accounts for as much as 80% of HAIs in hospitals.


About the New NPSG

The new NPSG, NPSG.07.06.01, states the following: “Implement evidence-based practices to prevent indwelling catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI).” The goal was one of the two HAI goals recommended to The Joint Commission by the Patient safety Advisory Group. The field review for the potential NPSGs was performed in December of 2010 through January 2011.

The new goal is not applicable to pediatric populations. The goal is also not applicable to the long term care program since it was based on research in hospitals and other requirements may be more appropriate for settings involving long term care.


Hospital and Critical Access Hospital Accreditation Program

To meet the CAUTI NPSG, hospitals and critical access hospitals are required to accomplish the following:

  • During 2012, plan for full implementation by January 1, 2013. Assign responsibility for implementation activities, create timeliness, identify resources, and conduct pilot testing.
  • Use established evidence-based guidelines for inserting indwelling urinary catheters.
  • Manage the indwelling urinary catheters by using established evidence-based guidelines.
  • Measure and monitor CAUTI prevention processes and outcomes for high-volume areas.



The Joint Commission. New 2012 National Patient Safety Goal — Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI). May 17, 2011.

The Joint Commission. 2012 National Patient Safety Goals, Hospital Accreditation Program. May 9, 2011.

The Joint Commission. 2012 National patient Safety Goals, Critical Access Hospital Accreditation Program. May 9, 2011.






HAI Focus