Recommendations of the infectious disease committee of the French Association of Urology. Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring candiduria - Abstract

Service des maladies infectieuses et tropicales, CHU de Nîmes, groupe hospitalo-universitaire Caremeau, place du Professeur-Robert- Debré, 30029 Nîmes, France.


The candiduria are frequently encountered in urology. We present the recommendations of the Infectious Diseases Committee of the French Association of Urology for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of urinary tract infections. C. albicans is the most frequently isolated species, representing 60 % of the isolates. Immunosuppression, diabetes mellitus, age extremes of life, the presence of catheters or procedures on the urinary tract are risk factors for Candida urinary tract infection. The candiduria is usually asymptomatic and does not need treatment. Only 4-14 % of patients with candiduria have symptoms of urinary infection. It is necessary before choosing candiduria isolated on a first urinalysis to eliminate contamination by conducting a second harvest. In patients surveyed, the removal of the material allows the resolution of the candiduria nearly half the time and represents the first step of management. Oral fluconazole is the recommended treatment for cystitis (400mg on day 1 and 200mg daily for 7 to 14days). In cases of pyelonephritis without associated candidemia, the first-line therapy is fluconazole (3-6mg/kg/day) for 14days or amphotericin B at a dose of 0.5 to 0.7mg/kg/day with or not associated to flucytosine when potentially resistant strain (C. glabrata).

Article in French.

Written by:
Fraisse T, Lachaud L, Sotto A, Lavigne JP, Cariou G, Boiteux JP, Escaravage L, Coloby P, Bruyère F; le CIAFU.   Are you the author?

Reference: Prog Urol. 2011 May;21(5):314-321.
doi: 10.1016/j.purol.2011.02.004

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21514533 Infections Section